Hong Kong 2020 Gospel Declaration

1 Jesus Christ is the Gospel.

Jesus Christ the Messiah, the King, is the foundation of the Gospel (Mark 1:1). This Gospel proclaims the coming and the presence of God's kingdom, the victory over the dark powers of sin and evil, bringing change to everything in the world. Therefore, the Gospel is not solely about spiritual salvation after death, but also about the coming of the Kingdom, the wiping out of darkness of the world, and the overturning of the authority of evil. The Gospel is also concrete, actionable, and holistic, as it also cares about, heals and protects life in this present world, and involves the emancipation and social care for humankind.

2 Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord of the Church.

The Church is the body of Christ, who is the Head. The Church is his body, the fullness of Christ who fills everything in every way (Eph 1:23). Therefore, the Church obeys and pledges allegiance only to the King of the Kingdom in heaven - the Messiah,  not to any political or economic rulers and powers on earth. The Church does not owe her existence to any power or principalities on earth, and should never be subservient to them. Especially in the context of Hong Kong, where economic development is often deemed the most important goal above all else, the Church must remember what history has taught us and seek to renounce all idols. The Church must remember and live out the teachings of Jesus Christ, "You cannot serve both God and money," and the first of the Ten Commandments, "You shall have no other gods before me," for salvation comes from nowhere except from the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 The Church is a community of Gospel witnesses.

As the Body in mystical union with Jesus Christ, the Church is His true witness here on earth. (Matt 5:13-16) Therefore, the Church should not crave for its own internal development, of stability, comfort, or prosperity. Instead, as followers of Christ, the Church should follow the example of Jesus Christ, who himself lived among the poor, walked with the oppressed, and helped the needy. As we exercise our faith and follow Christ's example, we should not, and will not be fearful of the persecutions and oppressions from hell.

4 The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of the Truth. We reject falsehood, and hold on to the Truth.

In the face of a totalitarian regime that distorts facts, controls the media, and buries the Truth, the Church courageously rejects all falsehood, and points out what the regime has done wrong. The Church herself is not the Truth, but she follows the sacred Word of Jesus Christ with a clear conscience; she always listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit, renews herself with a humble heart, discerns the Truth, and lives out the Truth (1 Tim 3:15).

5 Spirituality and actions are inseparable.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, "...Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matt 25:40). The relationship between the Church and Jesus Christ is founded upon the Church following the work of Christ. Therefore, the Church's spirituality and actions are inseparable. Prayers and concrete actions are intertwined - action is the practice of prayer, and prayer is the foundation of action - and never ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).

6 The Church is the People of the Light in a time of darkness.

The Bible says: "The night is nearly over; the day is almost here." (Romans 13:12). The purpose of the Church in the world is to be a witness during the time when we wait for the day to come: to bring hope where there is despair; to defend justice where there is injustice; to spread love where there is hatred; to seek Truth where there is falsehood; to heal where there is injury; and to sacrifice where there is violence. The Church yearns for the Kingdom of God and prays for its arrival. As the Church continues to walk with Hongkongers, she shall earnestly defend human dignity, freedom, and life, demonstrating the values of the Kingdom in Hong Kong: equality, justice and love.

Sign to declare together: https://bit.ly/2WZmCFz

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